I wanted to take a minute to quickly introduce our new school website. If you have not seen it yet, it is AWESOME! The new look and easy to navigate options are a huge improvement.
The web address is still the same (www.scholarsacademy.org) and our class page can be found under Academics, Teacher Pages. The direct link to our classroom page is http://www.scholarsacademy.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=340479&type=u.
Since everyone has already subscribed to receive email updates from the blog rather than an abundance of emails from me, I have decided to continue to post directly to the blog. I like it because things on the blog NEVER disappear. They will always be posted to refer back to at any time. I will occasionally put things on the school website as well, but these items have a time expiration on the school's website and will change frequently.
Since we are already in our routine and everyone is subscribed to the blog, things will not change meaning I will never post anything new to the school website that hasn't already been on the blog. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback regarding this.
I have to say that whoever came up with the new design and navigation has done an awesome job. Not only is the look very fresh, it's easier to get around.
One feedback I have is to have this blog's link in your page->links in the new website.