Class Info.

Class Rules
1. Always do your personal best.
2. Keep your hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself.
3. Listen and follow directions the first time.
4. Be a good citizen by being honest, respectful and responsible at all times.
5. Follow all school-wide rules.

Our Classroom Behavior Plan
As the school year begins, we will spend a lot of time as a class talking about our classroom rules and procedures as well as school-wide rules and policies. We will practice these rules the first few weeks of school, as a well managed classroom enables more learning to occur throughout the classroom. I will not have any color system or cards system in my classroom. Instead, I believe in positive reinforcement as well as natural and logical consequences. Rather than asking students to walk laps at recess regardless of what behavior choice earned the consequence, I plan to use natural and logical consequences, paired with learning opportunities using literature and discussion in order to teach why their behavior choice wasn't the right thing to do.
Natural consequences are things that happen without teacher intervention. Logical consequences are teacher-imposed consequences that relate to the behavior in order for a correlative teaching moment to occur. For example, going down a wet slide results in wet pants is natural consequence. However, there are many situations in which the natural consequences occur too long after the behavior for the student to connect them, or the natural consequence will put a child’s safety in danger. For those situations, logical consequences make sense for the problem and are designed to help the student learn why their behavior was a poor choice. For example, if a student says something unkind about a classmate, they may need to make up for this choice by apologizing and saying or writing something nice about that person. Parents will receive notes home each time their child misbehaves so they can remain informed and make the necessary reinforcements at home as needed.

If a child habitually displays poor behavior surrounding a specific rule or procedure, the following plan will be followed:
• 1st time: warning, natural and/or logical consequence followed
• 2nd time: warning, natural and/or logical consequence followed
• 3rd time: Student will read/listen to a book (bibliotherapy) about their behavior choice and discuss the meaning and importance of rules with the teacher
• 4th time: Student will re-read book or read a new book and have a discussion with the teacher
• 5th time: Student will meet with Mrs. Cuneo or Mr. Yodice about their behavior choices
• 6th time: Mandatory parent-teacher conference to discuss alternative actions

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