Thursday, August 9, 2012

ABCs of Kindergarten

Below are the ABCs of Kindergarten.  This is a document that has been carefully constructed to give you as much information as possible before school begins.  Please read through this document before school begins to answer many of the questions  you may have about the school year starting. Thanks! 

Absences- It is important to your child's education that they attend school each day (unless they are ill).  Make-up work is not usually given to students unless they miss a significant amount of time from school or unless they miss an assignment we feel is necessary they complete.  For planned absences (vacation, travel, etc.) assignments are not given ahead of time for the child to complete during their trip.  They will catch-up in school upon their return.   
Allergies- At the start of the year, we will send home an information card about your child for you to complete.  Please include your child's allergies on this card!  If medications are needed at school (EpiPen, etc.) you need to fill out a form with Mrs. Hargrove in the office.  All of these arrangements can be made at the beginning of the school year.  
Appropriate Attire- Students are very active throughout the day.   Please provide clothes and shoes that are comfortable and appropriate.  No flip-flops or sandals that slide off easily! And please be aware of the days your child has Physical Education.  Your child needs to dress appropriately for P.E. class (no dresses or skirts and they should wear socks and sneakers).
Arrival- Students are allowed to enter the classroom at 8:30a.m.  If they arrive before that time, they will be sent to before care or need to wait outside by the back door.  School begins promptly at 8:30 a.m.  Students need to be in the classroom unpacked and ready to learn at that time.  Also, arrival is a busy time for both students and teachers.  Often we are preparing materials for the day, checking e-mail, or comforting a child.  If you have questions, concerns, need clarifications, etc. please write a note in your child's daily folder or send us an e-mail.  We will respond during our planning period or schedule a more appropriate time to meet with you if needed, but the morning time is not a conference time. 
Backpacks- Please send a backpack with your child to school every day unless you receive a note/e-mail.  Please label the backpack with your child's name!  Also, please choose a backpack that is large enough to hold a binder, books, etc. and that does not have wheels.  Have your child prepare for school by practicing packing and unpacking their backpack by themselves at home!
Bathroom- We are unable to assist your child when they are using the bathroom.  Please make sure your child is independent in the bathroom before coming to school on the first day. 
Behavior- Each teacher has their own classroom management plan and behavior system in place that you will learn more about once school begins.  However, we use both positive and negative reinforcements throughout the school day.  Students are expected to follow classroom and school rules to earn privileges or consequences.  The student handbook is followed as a guideline for discipline as well. 
Birthdays- We love celebrating birthdays in our classroom.  Parents are welcome to send in a treat or join us for the celebration.  We always celebrate birthdays during the second recess of the day.  If you are unable to celebrate during this time, you are welcome to send the treat with your child in the morning.  Recess times vary and sometimes there are activities scheduled, so please e-mail your child’s teacher to confirm plans.  Please do not send cakes! Cupcakes, cookies, fruit, muffins, popsicles, and small snacks are fine.  Invitations to outside birthday parties will only be distributed in the classroom if the entire class is included.  If you have a select few that you wish to invite, we ask that you communicate plans and distribute the invitations outside of school.  We do not celebrate half birthdays, as they are a difficult concept for young children to understand.  Instead, we have a special celebration at the end of the year for everyone who has a summer birthday. 
Buddies- Each classroom will have another class as their “Buddy Class” at the school.  The buddy classes will get together for various activities throughout the school year.


Chaperones- We love having parents and other family members chaperone field trips.  If you plan to chaperone on a field trip, you will be expected to pay for the trip and notify the teacher in advance that you plan on attending.  There is also a chaperone form that you will need to fill out, which outlines the rules and expectations of a chaperone.  Please also give Mrs. Hargrove your driver’s license to make a copy before attending a trip.  Also make sure you sign-in at the front desk and receive a badge.  Please note that if there are habitual problems with you as a chaperone, you will not be welcome to chaperone anymore.     
Classroom Rules- 1. Always do your personal best.  2. Keep your hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself.  3. Listen and follow directions the first time.  4. Be a good citizen by being honest, responsible, and respectful.  5. Follow all school-wide rules.  
Communication- Communication between school and home is vital when creating a cohesive and consistent learning environment for your kindergartener.  Please feel free to communicate with your child’s teacher as frequent as you feel necessary.  You can communicate via note, e-mail, phone, or arranged conference.  Please do not communicate in the mornings before school, during dismissal, or via text message with your child’s teacher.  Please also note that we do not talk about children in front of children.  
Conferences- We are happy to set-up a time to meet with you whenever you feel a conference is needed.  However, parent-teacher conferences are only required at the end of the first quarter (usually in October).  It is always helpful if you let us know what your questions and concerns are ahead of time so we can accurately prepare to meet your needs in the best way possible. 
Cooking Activities- Our kindergartners love to cook!  We will have several cooking activities related to our curriculum throughout the school year.  We understand that some children have severe allergies and will do our best to help provide modifications for them so that they may enjoy the treats as well.  We will also need your support in providing various materials and ingredients throughout the school year. 


Date Everything!
Daily Folder- Each child will have a daily folder.  This folder needs to come to school with them every day and be signed by you every night.  It will serve as a communication tool between home and school for notes and daily behavior choices.  It will also have a reading log and academic resources for you and your child to refer to. 
Departure- You will be asked about your child’s departure arrangements at the beginning of the school year.  Please let us know about anyone who is or is not allowed to pick your child up from school.  If plans change, please write a note in your child’s daily folder or send an e-mail.  If it is last minute, please call the school.  Your child will not be released to anyone without proper notification.  This is for their safety.

E-mail- E-mail is an excellent way for you to communicate with us and vise versa.  However, please realize that the school day becomes very busy and we are not always able to respond to e-mails immediately.  Please also realize that we are only expected to check our e-mail and respond during school hours (8:30-3:30). 
Enrichments- Students will attend Enrichment classes twice each day.  There are 5 Enrichment classes: music, Spanish, Chinese, P.E., and art.  Each class will be visited twice a week.  We are not present during the Enrichment classes, as this is our time to plan, check e-mail, etc.  Enrichment teachers are in charge of their own grading and classroom management.  If you ever have questions or concerns, you can e-mail them directly.  E-mail addresses will be provided at the beginning of the school year.  
Extra Clothes- Sometimes accidents happen!  Please provide a seasonal change of clothes on the first day of school.  We have a lot of extra shorts, pants, and shirts that are clean and ready to use.  However, please send in a pair of socks and underwear in a labeled sandwich bag.  If your child has an accident, we will send home their soiled clothes in a bag.  We ask that you wash and return the borrowed clothes for another child to use. 


Flexible- Mistakes happen.  Plans and dates change.  Please be flexible with us and we will return the favor!
Field Trips- We will go on a lot of field tips throughout the school year that are enriching and extend your child’s learning outside the traditional classroom.  They will be related to the curriculum and be approved by administration.  We ask that you return your child’s permission slip and money as soon as possible.  We also ask that you sign-up on if you plan to be a chaperone and send in your money at the same time as your child’s (if possible).  We only accept cash for field trip payments.  Field trips are non-refundable.  We will have specific attire for all of the students as well as lunch changes on field trip days.  More information to come.  
First Day(s) of School- Assessment is an important key to good teaching.  During staggered entry (the first week of school), we will be conducting individualized assessments.  There will only be small groups of students sent to school each day to allow for assessments to take place.  Please understand that the first few weeks of school will be very different from the rest of the year because we are establishing classroom routines and procedures and completing the necessary assessments for each child to be successful.   


Grading- We grade in a variety of different formats.  We will use rubrics, tests, in-class assignments, projects, formal assessments and informal assessments.  The 1 (exceeds expectations), 2 (meets expectations), and 3 (does not meet expectations) on our report cards is NOT equivalent to an A, B, C grade at a traditional school.


Handbook- Everyone will receive a copy of the student handbook at the beginning of the school year.  It outlines various policies, procedures, and aspects of our school.  Please read through it carefully and explain its contents to your child.
Highlights Magazine- Our classroom participates in ordering from Highlights magazine.  Even if you have a subscription to the magazine, please send the slips back signed and checked "no."  We receive materials for the classroom from being signed and returned regardless of whether you order or not. 
Homework- Your child will receive homework throughout the school year.  The only required homework is reading.  Your child must read for at least 15 minutes each day and record their reading in the reading log.  Other assignments and worksheets that are sent home are optional and can be returned to school for a bonus.  Please remember that your child’s homework should be completed by them and not you. 


Illness- It can be very difficult to decide when your child should stay home from school.  If you suspect that they are sick, please keep your child home to reduce the spread of germs at school.  If your child is sick at home or sent home from school, they must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.  If your child is sick, please allow them to rest and feel better.  We will worry about making up assignments when they return. 
Independence- One of the most important skills in kindergarten for your child to learn is how to become independent.  Please allow your child the opportunity to express their independence each day in various ways.  We understand the importance of escorting your child into the classroom during the first few days of school.  However, parents are respectfully requested to allow their child to enter the classroom by themselves after the first full week of school. Tears may be shed at first, but allowing your child to walk into the classroom alone, unpack their backpack, etc. is an excellent way for your child to gain independence and learn/problem solve as well!  Packing their own backpack at night, checking out books at the library, opening food containers, buckling their seatbelt, filling up their water bottle, and carrying their own belonging are other ways to foster your child’s independence.  The more they are able to do at home, the more confident they will be at school!

Join In- We would love your help!  Become a member of the MRSA PTO, volunteer in the classroom, be a lunch helper or library volunteer, and attend parties and field trips!  Be on the lookout for information on how to be involved shortly after school begins.


Kindergarten- This is a wonderful and exciting year for your child!  It is the first year of school and a place where he/she will begin building a solid foundation in all areas of their life in order to be successful.  As a Discoverer at MRSA, your child will be challenged to think, create, problem solve, explore, imagine, and investigate.  They will learn how to work in a group, communicate and get along with others,  and many more things.  Get ready for an amazing year of challenges, successes, and growths!  It will be over before you know it!  


Label, Label, Label- Please put your child's name on all of their personal belongings such as: backpacks, sweaters, coats, hats, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc. DO NOT label school supplies because we will share them!
Library Trips- Every other week we will take a trip The Imaginon Public Library.  Please obtain a personal library card prior to the beginning of the first day of school.  Please label the card with your child's name and 4 digit pin number.  If you do not live in Mecklenburg County, contact the office for a special permission form and your child will be able to receive their card for free!  You will also need to send a heavy-duty library bag to school with your child on the first day.  Without it, they cannot check out books.  Your child is responsible for bringing their books home and back to school to avoid fines. 
We also have a new library at school that your child will visit once a week.  I will provide a bag for your child to use in order to avoid mixing up the books.  Without the bag, your child cannot check out books on our designated day.  Please note that our school library does not charge fines for late books but does charge for lost or damaged books.    
Lunch- Lunch is from 11:15-11:45 a.m. with the first 15 minutes as silent lunch to allow students time to eat before becoming distracted with their conversation.  Parents are respectfully requested to refrain from visiting during lunch until the end of the first quarter.  Please allow your child time to practice opening containers, drinks, puddings, etc. prior to the first day of school and remember to send all utensils (forks, spoons, napkins) needed with your child.  As a LEED school, we strive on creating sustainable lifestyles and emphasize this to our students.  Please do your part in creating waste-free lunches by reusing containers instead of packaging foods in disposable bags, as we pay per pound for trash service!    
Lunch Orders- If you order hot lunch for your child, please realize that it is non-refundable if your child is absent.  We will do our best to block out lunches for field trip days.  Teachers are not involved in lunch orders, so all questions and concerns should be directed to Suzanne Huffman.   


Money- All money that is sent to school should be in a labeled envelope and placed in your child’s daily folder.  Please send CASH ONLY for all field trips. 
Mystery Readers- We love having Mystery Readers come and read to our class each week!  Any family member is welcome to come and read a story during a specified time.  You will be able to sign-up on and can read any book you choose!  Please keep in mind that it is a SURPRISE!  Do not tell your child you are coming!  It is a special time for all students (especially the child whose family came) and the students look forward to it each week!  Please do not bring treats or goodies, as the read treat is your visit! 


Notifications and Newsletter- To avoid filling your inbox daily with reminders and notifications, we will send weekly notifications and newsletters home via e-mail.  These e-mails may contain important dates, upcoming event information, supply requests, birthdays, goals, objectives, etc.  Please make sure you read these e-mails, as they are the best way to stay up-to-date about what is happening in your child’s classroom.

Office Needs- At the start of kindergarten the office will need copies of your child's social security card, birth certificate, and health form (to be filled out by your doctor).  There are several other forms that you will need to fill out and return. 
Outdoor Lunch- We will have outdoor lunch once a week during the school year.  This is a time when students will eat their lunch outside and have extra recess if they finish eating quickly.  The students really look forward to it each week.  In order to have outdoor lunch, we need volunteers to watch the students during lunch time.  More specifics will be given once school begins, but all volunteers are appreciated!

Peanuts- We are a nut-free school.  Please do not send peanut butter or nut products to school! 
Practice, Practice, Practice- Practice your subject skills at home for reinforcement.
Privileges- At school privileges are earned and can be taken away for poor choices.  Examples of privileges are classroom jobs, recess, parties, field trips, and special school events.  Please reinforce positive behavior choices at home to encourage your child to earn their privileges.   
Projects- Occasionally there will be projects that your child is asked to complete at home.  We expect your child’s project to look like a 5 year old (give or take) completed it.  We do not expect perfection.  Please provide support and be a good resource for your child but allow them to complete the work independently.  


Quick Goodbyes, Leave Dry Eyes- I assure you that your child will be comforted and quickly engaged in classroom activities when you drop them off at school.  Tears last longer when parents linger.  These daily emotional occurrences often only last the first few days of school.  Please say your goodbyes at the door and we will handle the rest.
Quiet Time- There will be a 20-30 minute time each day where your child will listen to a story read by a teacher and be able to quietly sit at their desks by silently reading, writing, finishing their work, or resting their heads.  Please do not send mats, towels, blankets, etc. as they are cumbersome and we have found that the children do not use them.


Reading Logs- Reading Logs will be located in your child’s daily folder.  Please fill them out each night that your child reads.  ee Homework.


Scholastic Book Orders- Our classroom participates in the Scholastic book club.  Magazines will be sent home monthly (as appropriate to our schedule).  Please complete the forms and send in only 1 check, even if you order from separate magazines.  The checks go to the same place and this saves you time!  You are also able to view the book orders on the computer and order using a credit card at your convenience!  Your child’s code and additional information will be provided once school begins!
Siblings- The Scholars’ Academy is a school where students and their families are welcomed at school and its events.  However, please realize that younger siblings can be very disruptive during classroom events functions.  If there is a problem with younger (or older) siblings being disruptive during events, parties, field trips, etc. we will ask that they not attend future classroom events.  This is not to discourage your participation as a parent, but rather to honor and respect the kindergarten children and the integrity of their school day and learning opportunities.
Snack- We have two snack breaks during the day (morning and afternoon) in conjunction with recess.  It is not mandatory to send in 2 snacks with your child, but suggested so their bodies and brains are fueled all day long.  Snacks must be nutritious or your child will not be allowed to eat it.  Please be sure to peel apples/other fruit ahead of time, as your child will only have 15 minutes to play and eat.  Your child will be instructed to take home all unfinished snacks (except for yogurt, pudding, etc.).
Student of the Week- Each child will be randomly selected to be Student of the Week.  They will have a special classroom jobs in conjunction with other special activities.  More information will be available based on your child’s teacher.  The Student of the Week will be identified each week in our newsletter.
Supplies- Please check the school website to download the supply list prior to the first day of school, as our classroom cannot function without these much needed supplies!  Please send all supplies at one time during Open House or on the first day of school.  Additional supplies may be needed throughout the year for parties, cooking, events, etc.  Please contribute what you can to help. Your donations are generous and greatly appreciated!


Tie Your Shoes- Please help your child learn to tie their shoes, button their pants and coats (or zip their coats), and open their snacks.  Before you know it, their independence will shine and their confidence will grow!  Please do not send your child to school in attire they cannot operate (ex: If they cannot tie their shoes, they should wear slip ons or Velcro shoes).  This is for their safety!
Tardies- Please try to get your child to school on time as often as possible.  We realize that everyone lives in different parts of the city and there are often traffic delays.  However, it is disruptive to the class when your child is tardy to school.  It is also difficult for your child to become settled and adjust when they are late and have missed some of the procedures and directions. 


Unique- Each child is unique in personality and academic development and we do not compare them to others.  We are so excited to learn all about what makes your child unique and honor them in all areas as we watch them flourish and grow this year!
Unfinished work- All students will receive ample time to complete their assignments each day.  If a child does not finish, they are able to work on it daily until it is completed.  If children do not use their time wisely, they may fall behind and lose privileges due to unfinished work.  Classroom work will never be sent home to be completed; it must be done in class.


Visits- School policy states that you must stop by the office and sign-in before coming to the classroom.  Pop-in visits are discouraged and disruptive.  This includes early dismissals, even if it is 3:05 pm!
Volunteers- WE NEED THEM!!! Our school thrives off of volunteers, so please give your time in any way you can!  Volunteer for the PTO, lunch duty, classroom events, school functions, field trips, and much, much more!  Times will arise in the school year when we need parent speakers as well.  Please review our monthly themes (provided in the newsletters) to see if you could volunteer to share your life experiences with our class.  Maybe you have a friend who has a special talent… just let us know!


Water- Please send a labeled bottled water to school with your child each day.  It is important for your child to remain hydrated throughout the day for optimal learning to occur.  No other beverages are allowed in the classroom and in water bottles.  Please also do not freeze the water bottles or add ice.  The condensation ruins student’s work and our cubbies!
Welcome- It's going to be an AWESOME year!
Wish Lists- There are many items we need (or could use) for our classroom.  We will have a wish list of these items available at the beginning of the year.  If you are able to help, please purchase some of the items on the wish list and send them in your child’s backpack.  Monetary donations are accepted as well. 


Are you eXcited yet?!?!?!  We are!


You- You have been your child’s teacher until now and know so much about them!  Thanks for your support in advance!  


Zoom- Sit back and watch your child take off! You'll be amazed and surprised by all the changes this year and it will be over before you know it!  Cherish each moment! 

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